Thursday, 21 July 2011

Audio recording

In what seems a former life, I used to venture into the Aussie bush (i.e. forest) with my bird-shooting equipment (camera with long lens) hanging from my neck AND with my sound-recording equipment in my pockets. Sometimes I would have the latter in my hand, at the ready.

Here's a pic of the recording gear:

I managed to record some beautiful bird calls, as well as some unusual ones, several of which I have uploaded to Wikimedia. Here's a list; just click on the bird's name to hear the call:

Grey Shrike-thrush In this call, you hear other birds in the background.

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

Fan-tailed Cuckoo

Eastern Whipbird It is the male bird that does the whip-crack sound but, right at the end of this recording, you hear a female responding to the male's call.

Hmmm, only 4 calls - I shall have to upload some more to Wiki before too long.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

My Best Shots

 If you'd like to see some of my best photos, please click here

Here's a sample:

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Wagga Trip

The trip to Wagga Wagga to pick up my 'new' car, which I mentioned in my previous post, happened 2 days ago. Consequently, I am now the owner of a 2000 model Nissan Pulsar, which drives like a dream, compared with the old Fiat Regata that I've had since May, 1998 - and it was already 9 years old then!

The drive from here to Wagga Wagga and back is one of the easiest imaginable for a (nearly) 400 kilometres round trip. You have to keep a wary eye out for kangaroos and other wildlife crossing the road but the terrain is almost dead flat and there's very little other traffic to worry about. Radio reception is poor for much of the journey, so singing to oneself is in order, as is listening to a CD.

Anyway, here's a photo of the new car (and me), taken by the salesman at the car yard:
I stopped to take a photo of a road sign on the way down to Wagga. Why? Well, I intend mentioning it to the local council, because one of the distances on it is incorrect. While taking the photo, I realised that the spelling is a bit off as well!! I had only seen this sign previously as I rode past on my bicycle but, until Monday, I hadn't stopped and 'inspected' it properly. The town, BARNEDMEN, should be BARMEDMAN and it's over 90 kilometres from Grenfell!